Trust This. July 14, 2023.

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq. Happy Friday! Today is both Bastille Day and National French Fry Day. Coincidence? I think not. 1 big thing: Legislators scrutinize lease-options The US Senate’s Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Community Development suggests that federal legislation should regulate alternative home financing to avoid abuses, according to a recent ProPublica article. Why it matters: Many […]
Trust This. July 7, 2023.

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq. Happy Friday! It’s World Chocolate Day in case you didn’t know. So enjoy your favorite chocolate-flavored anything today, guilt-free. Graphic: Nick Gerli via Twitter Social media real estate financial adviser, Nick Gerli, posted the chart above in a tweet on June 27, and it has been reposted over 10,000 times and […]
Trust This. June 30, 2023.

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq. Happy pre-Fourth of July weekend! It’s also the last Friday of the month and the quarter. Hard to believe we’re halfway through 2023, but here we are. So much has happened in the past 90 days, that it makes our heads spin. In celebrating Independence Day, our offices will be closed […]
Trust This. June 23, 2023.

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq Happy Friday! Today is “National Take Your Dog to Work” Day. We bring Rufous and Edward to work almost daily. At this point, they’re the official mascots of the office. So, for them, at least, it’s just another day. We’d love to see some pics of your pooches at work! 1 big […]
Trust This. June 16, 2023

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq Happy Friday! The Friday before Father’s Day is National #WearBlue Day to support men’s health. The “four horsemen” of death for most humans are cancer, neurodegenerative decline, diabetes, and coronary disease. Most of these can be prevented or cured if detected early like during an annual checkup. But men are more likely […]