Trust This. Mortgage Rates to Mother’s Day

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Central Florida, itโ€™s gettinโ€™ ๐Ÿฅต hot up in here! Looks like our two weeks of spring are over, and sum

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Trust This.

By Joseph E. Seagle, Esq. โ— May 06, 2022

Smart Brevityยฎ count: 3.5 mins...907 words

Central Florida, itโ€™s gettinโ€™ ๐Ÿฅต hot up in here! Looks like our two weeks of spring are over, and summer โ˜€๏ธ has arrived.

Donโ€™t Miss: CFRIโ€™s one-day Landlording Academy on Friday, May 13. It always gets ๐Ÿ™Œ rave reviews ๐Ÿ‘. Register here.

1. Floridaโ€™s Legislative Roundup โ€ฆ so far

Illustration of a wall street bull with a lasso around its feet.

The Legislature wrapped up its initial session in March, and then a special session in April, and is preparing for another special session in a couple of weeks. The Governor has been busily signing and vetoing bills, many affecting real estate.

Laws change subtly and abruptly. Keeping up with revisions is imperative for real estate brokers, agents, lenders, developers, and investors.

Here are a few new laws:

  • We now have a statutory framework to determine interest rate adjustments when LIBOR disappears in the near future. Text

  • A new Statewide Office of Resilience will coordinate preparing the state for sea-level rise flooding. Text

  • All Florida high school students must now complete at least a half-hour of financial literacy studies before they can graduate. Text

  • โ€œMiyaโ€™s Lawโ€ requires background checks of property management employees after one such employee used a master key to enter an apartment to kidnap and murder the tenant. The House and Senate both voted unanimously for this bill. Text

Here are some that didnโ€™t make it:

Yes, but: Many bills await delivery to the Governor for signing. One such bill would override local rules against pruning and removal of dangerous trees on residential properties. Another one allows property owners to sue local governments that change local ordinances in a way that causes at least a 15% profit reduction for the owner (think AirBnB rentals).

2. Springtime mortgage rate hikes push borrowers up 2.5%

Illustrated pattern of FOR SALE signs with only a few having "SOLD" written across them.

At the end of last week, mortgage applications were up 2.5% over the prior week.

Why it matters: Most everyone assumed that higher interest rates would cool mortgage borrowing and home sales. But it looks like a rush of springtime purchases is pushing mortgage applications back up โ€ฆ if only for a week.

The purchase push is financed mostly by VA and FHA loans. The loans are used by first-time, younger homebuyers with no or low down payments.

The FED on Wednesday raised its short-term interest rate by half a point, the highest increase since 2000. Since then, rate increases had been โ€” at most โ€” a quarter of a point.

The big picture: This is only a one-week increase and is not indicative of a trend in purchasing or borrowing. Many mortgage loan originators have severely cut staffing as refinance activity has dropped off a cliff. In light of the FEDโ€™s drive to cool inflation through higher interest rates, this is likely just a last gasp drive of young buyers trying to get into homes before rates go even higher.

For more

3. FinCENโ€™s GTO renewed and expanded

Illustration of a police lineup with all the faces covered in Matrix-style green binary.

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network renewed its existing Geographic Targeting Orders and expanded their coverage to more metro areas.

Why it matters: The fact that the orders continue to be renewed and expanded is an indication that theyโ€™re working, giving FinCEN more data to track money as it moves through real estate transactions from and to domestic and international criminals.

The Orders expanded to cover parts of DC, Northern Virginia, Maryland, Maui and Kauai, and Fairfield County, Connecticut.

In short, a report to FinCEN will be filed if a corporate buyer purchases property for cash in one of the targeted areas for more than $300,000.00 ($50K in Baltimore). For example, if an LLC pays $300,000 cash for real estate in Fort Lauderdale, the title company shall file a report with FinCEN that lists the names, addresses, and tax identification numbers of every member of the LLC.

Yes, but: while the orders expanded to some areas, other areas were dropped from the order. Also, amounts have been reduced from $1 million in the earliest orders to a flat $300,000 in all of the targeted zones.

Read the order.

4. Catch up quick

Illustration of a large hand holding a large one hundred dollar bill on one end with a small man dangling off the other end

An FAU econ professorโ€™s research shows that Floridaโ€™s rents are the nationโ€™s most expensive, but may fall back soon. Orlando Sentinel - Paywall

Homebuyers in Tampa, Orlando, and Jax will need at least 40% more income this year than last to buy a home. Fox Business

Home prices are falling in some metro areas (but none in Florida). National Mortgage Professional

5. Pic du jour

Red Amarylis in Bloom
Amaryllis blooming beside the back patio. Last year it was rootbound in a small pot. Sometimes a move to more spacious quarters is all it takes to thrive.

Wishing all our readers who are mothers a Happy Mothers Day weekend. This weekโ€™s song is one that brings back happy memories of my mom playing the piano, and I canโ€™t wait until the next time she plays it for me. Hope you like it too.

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Be on the lookout for our next issue! ๐Ÿ‘‹

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